Alice was jumping out of excitement as the cat’s due date came closer. She was enthusiastically preparing for the kittens to come in the world and decorated the cat’s room as she would have done for her own kids. But often things don’t go according to our plan. What was going to happen now?
Due Date
As the cat’s due date came closer, every eye was on her. She was given extra care and food. They would often let the door open so that the cat could move a little. That day after Alice had fed the cat, she made sure that the door was ajar. The whole day the staff was running around to see if the cat needed something. In the evening, when a staff member came to feed her dinner, she was startled to find that the cat was missing again. Where did the cat go?
The staff member rushed to Alice to tell her that the cat had gone out again. But this time, Alice was rather calm. She knew that if the cat could survive and come back to the zoo at that time, then she would be able to trace her way back again. She was no doubt a little anxious because the cat would be giving birth to the kittens soon but she knew she would be fine.
Though Alice had told everyone not to think about the cat, her eyes were fixed on the door as if she was waiting for the cat to turn up at any moment. But when the next day rain started to fall harder and heavier, her hidden concerns surfaced up. She along with some staff members went to the middle of the zoo with torches in the hope to find the cat. Would they be able to find her?
A Faint Cry
They searched for her in every nook and corner, they were sure of one thing the cat must be near the ground as there was plenty of food and rodents that she could eat. While they were searching for the cat in the middle of the night, they heard a faint cry which made them standstill at the same place. What was that noise? Was someone in danger?
They were passing near the lion enclosure when they heard the cry. For a second, they wanted to ignore and move on to find out the cat, as they headed forward they heard the same noise again. This time they couldn’t ignore it because the noise seemed similar to the cat’s cry. So they stood there for a moment as they wanted to check if it was Musya.