Alice was aghast and would often worry about her. The very thought of the cat wandering into the wrong pen used to give her goosebumps. It had been days and the search operation was going on but they weren’t able to trace her yet. Every day Alice would think she would find her but as the day would set she would be disappointed. Where did the cat go?
With each passing day, Alice was sinking in the self-guilt although it wasn’t her mistake that the cat ran away still she would often blame herself. The staff was presuming that now they were never going to find the cat again and had given up. But Alice couldn’t accept this fact and continued her search. She knew the cat was alive. Was her presumption true and would she be able to find the cat?
Miracles happen when we least expect them too. It was nothing less than a miracle when one fine day out of the blue, Musya found her way back to the center of the zoo. Alice was in tears when she saw her. Before she was gone, the staff and Alice were thinking of finding a home for the cat but after the incident, Alice had grown more close to the animal and it was hard to say goodbye to her again.
Everyone was happy that the cat had found her way back to the zoo. They knew now they couldn’t restrict the cat from exploring the zoo so they had to give her space, what they weren’t expecting was the changes that the cat was now showing. Alice left the door open one day after feeding the cat but she was amazed when the cat didn’t come out of the cage. She thought the cat had explored a lot in the last few days and might want to rest a little. The cat’s changed behavior intrigued everyone. Why was the cat behaving strangely?
The Reason
A week passed by and the cat was growing to be lazier and restricted herself to one place. It didn’t take the staff too long to understand that the cat was soon going to have kittens. And after the discovery, everything around her changed. They had changed her diet and added the nutrition that was necessary for her. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the time of her delivery.
They knew that her regular checkups were as important as her diet, so they went to the same vet they consulted when they had brought the cat for the first time. The vet examined her and assured everyone that the cat and the kittens both were healthy and they need not worry about anything. The staff was happy and made a special room for the cat so that she could have her kittens safely.