
Ben Ben inspires different organizations daily. Instead of euthanizing animals, how they deserve one chance to live life. Ben Ben enjoys outings and dislikes regular cat food. The cat is usually busy trying to convince his owners to let him grab a bite out of what they are having. Ben Ben’s owners have used this overwhelming popularity of their cat for the right thing.


As Ben Ben is quite popular on several social media platforms, his guardians initiated a GoFundMe campaign. Within a months time, the campaign had raised $28,010 funds while the initial goal was $10,000. The campaign was shared more than 1.9k times on Facebook. Too much, right?

Feeling Better

Pictures of Ben Ben gets shared across the globe every now and then. Ben Ben’s pages have been attempting to raise awareness about animals who are found in severe conditions as Ben Ben and how with emergency care, love and proper nourishment they can be saved. 

The Hero

Ben Ben, the cat who himself stood face to face with death is today giving other animals like him a new life. Vets who said that Ben Ben will not make it later accepted their mistake. Ben Ben’s story is one that tells us to not give up on any life because each living being is equally important.

Second Chance

Indeed everyone deserves a second chance but not everyone is lucky enough to get it. Ben Ben was not only lucky enough to get this chance but also he grabbed this opportunity to live a better life with both his hands. Love, faith, and actions can change everything even one’s fate and Ben Ben is a live example of it.