Great Plan
The spokesperson of the Palace also said, “The visionary master landscaper constructed the Great Lake and planted thousands of trees in his ten-year tenure here, engineering a landscape that appears natural but is actually ‘contrived to pleasing effect.”
World Heritage
The Blenheim Palace has been a part of UNESCO World Heritage since 1987. Therefore it becomes even more obligatory to preserve the beauty of the Palace and to keep it in the best of conditions at all times.
The secret rooms have really connected us to history. It shows that humans really never change, for example, the graffiti was there even so many years back, and it still prevails. The habits have hardly changed ever since.
Big Task
The task to recover the bridge and the lakes is no small task. It will be long before the work reaches its final stage. The dredging in itself will take at least two years, and the overall management plan of the Palace is thought to continue for almost a decade to come.