The Condition
The mammoth skull was really special. Unlike other skulls where usually skull is missing tusks or some other part of the skull, this skull which was found at the construction site was found in a very good condition. Ashley told how real the skull was and everybody was really shocked to see how in the world 10,000-year-old was still in such a good condition.
Hayden Is Born
Ashley gave the discovery the name “Hayden.” The name was based on the day it was found. Before the digging started Hayden Panettiere was on the TV. So, Ashley gave the fossil the same name based on the day it was found.
Hayden Goes Public
If you want to see Hayden for real then you can visit it at the La Brea tar pits Museum. The Museum features a big Fossil Lab where Ashley and her team’s discovery has been put on display for the public to see what an amazing thing it was that was found on that day. The Fossil Lab is a glass-walled room and watching those amazing fossils from all around the corner is breathtaking.
The True 1%
According to Ashley, fossils that are found are always in pretty bad shape it’s very rare to find something intact like this fossil. It is also believed that 99% of the Earth does not make it to the fossilization. All the other discoveries that have been made in the past indicates that there are still other fossils waiting to get discovered.
Still Hope
After the discovery was made Ashley was pretty confident of finding something at the site as the construction work is still in process. The work in the Purple Line has few more years to get complete in all sense. And there is still hope. The team is positive that they might be able to find something.
The Team
After the discovery, the team was so excited that they made sure that they work even harder so that they could find something else. They weren’t hoping to find something like the mammoth skull but they were hoping to find something similar to the skull. Maybe a whole skeleton of the mammoth whose skull was found.