Ashley and her team were on the site waiting eagerly for the work to start of the Purple Line. Ashley has been to several construction sites before. She has accepted that it’s not always one finds something on the sites. Someday you win and someday you lose. It wasn’t her but the experience speaking which she has gained in all these years of her career.
Dig Deeper
Unlike regular diggings, subway sites require deeper diggings. The earth is touched to the core by the advanced machinery. Ashley knew that when you dig up to some limit where fossils are found there are chances you can find something exceptional. She was correct. Indeed they found a fossil. But it was no regular fossil. Because even the experts couldn’t tell what it was in the first place. Soon, they found out.
Searching For Treasures
With each passing day, Ashley and her team grew impatient. They were hoping that one day they will get the news that the construction workers have found something of their interest. Clearly, it was not happening any time soon. But that made the discovery more interesting. When you don’t expect things to happen and then they happen. The feeling is incredible.
A Small Start
The work was already going in full swing. The workers were working really hard and then they also started finding some small fossils. Every time construction workers found something they used to call Ashley as she was the expert to have a look. One of these days she was hoping that they would call her up for something big.
A Good Feeling
Whenever she used to get called for to have a look over the findings her confidence grew stronger. She knew that this construction site was special. She knew somewhere in her heart that there was something special about this site. She herself said, “it’s not every day that such a giant pit is being dug!”
Fossil Notifications
Ashley said she used to check her phone every two or three minutes to see if she has skipped a notification. The construction workers kept unearthing small fossils and Ashley was the first to get notified about it. But she was looking for that one special notification…