Before It All Started
Before the project started the team of researchers asked the authorities to give them some time to locate the possible spots which they believed was important. The authorities had a lot of questions for them. They wanted to start the project as soon as possible because it was already delayed several times. But then, you can’t just ignore the scientists. They are intelligent you see. They know things which normal people like us could only dream of.
One Mission Before The Project
The team of scientists was given permission to explore the area before anything started there. The team was excited as they were hoping to find something but the problem was they were asked to explore the site not dig it up because that could create problems for the subway project which they didn’t want. They already had so much pressure on their heads because of the project on which the public taxes were being put. And you don’t play with the public’s tax money, do you?
Spotting The Spots
The team of researchers didn’t have much time as they were given a limited time to fulfill their desires. You know these archeologists study a lot. They study geography, history, and what not and then they combine the information which in result produce a piece of new information. The team marked several spots before they finished the investigation. Remember they were asked to not to dig up anything. So, why mark the spot anyway? There was a reason behind that.
The Reason
Very much aware of the conditions that were put on them, they somehow managed to locate a few important spots. They told the authorities of the Westside Subway Extension that when their workers dig up these spots ask them to pay more attention. The authorities asked them again about the reason behind it but the team didn’t tell them anything. They had their reasons. They knew if their assumptions were right, then the world is not ready for it, yet!
The Date Was Declared
The Westside Subway Extension project would soon start. The date was set. The company which was asked to do the work was notified. The workers were assigned. The authorities were well aware of the fact that from now onwards they will get busy and there won’t be a single minute to spare. Projects this big require lots of work before they begin and after they are finished.
Except For The Few
Though people of the city were excited that now there will be an extended Purple Line and their traveling would be much easier. There was one team who was very critical about the project. It was the same team which explored the site before the works started. They were so sure of the workers. To them, it was all wrong. They believed that the workers might spoil everything. But that didn’t happen because the discovery was made.