Facts About WWII
Our generation can never even imagine the sight of WWII which happened and the after-effects of the war that are still afresh on some minds. Did you know? WWII was so destructive that it cost the country huge loss financially and there has been no other war that caused such destruction ever.
More Of WWII
The Battle of Bulge is the largest and deadliest battle in the history of the United States to date. The battle saw deaths of 80,000 Americans. It is estimated at around 1.5 million children died during the Holocaust. It was estimated that 1.2 million were Jewish and other were Gypsies.
Other Interesting Facts
It was during WWII the Enola Gay became famous for dropping the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, but there are only a few people who have heard of the B-29 that destroyed Nagasaki. Not only bombs, people like Dr. Josef Mengele who is also known as the “Angel of Death.” It is said that he used about 3,000 twins which were Romany and Jewish children in his experiment of genetics. And only 200 survived.
Hitler’s Mindset In WWII
Hitler considered the Jewish race as a menace to themselves. Hitler tried to eradicate the Jewish Race and we all know it as the Holocaust. The Nazis even built concentration camps where they held Jewish people where they were starved to death.
The Concentration Camp
It is believed that around 12,000 Jews were killed daily in these concentrations camps. These camps were located in Poland and the biggest ones were situated in Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and the most infamous was in Auschwitz-Birkenau which killed over 2 million Jews.
Untold Stories
People have published several books and wrote diaries where they gave detailed information about the WWII era. They have told what all happened to Jews in Germany during WWII and how Germans made their lives a living hell. The most famous being the Diary of Anne Frank which was translated into 60 languages and also taught in schools.