The Real Owner
A YouTube video was watched for more than thousands of times, where Marie’s cousins tell that how Marie is not the owner of the ticket. She stole it and not only that. She accused Marie of having an affair with one of the cousin’s husband. As the video went on, it is said that Marie tried to pay her cousin to divorce him.
All In The Family
Marie’s life was completely messed up. The lottery seemed to be of less good and more troubles. Previously, she used to work at McDonald’s and Wal-Mart to raise her kids. Brayden, Charisma, Andrea, and Ebony, were all between the age of 10 and two at the time. Sadly, Brayden suffered from cerebral palsy. Marie never got time for herself.
Struggling Mom
Marie raised her kids all by herself. Four children brought up by 2 different men, one of them is in jail and another one never talks with her. He stays away from all the family. Marie had 3 children with him but he stays away in a different city and Marie too is unknown to his whereabouts.
As a study states, approximately one in three people who win a lotto gets bankrupt soon. The money that is a heavenly gift at first gets wasted and without any good advice, there is no way to repay it. many winners maintain a distance from their closed ones and family members. At the end of the day, the person finds himself all alone and unable to get back on track.
Relationship With Her Mother
After all the scene that was created, only two good things happened with Marie. It was her kids’ secured future and her relationship with her mother. Her childhood was rough and her memories related to her mom were bad. Her mother never treated Marie and her siblings nicely. Still, Marie sent her children to her mother’s home in vacations all the way to Seattle.
Lottery Is A Sin
A huge population believes that the lottery industry is nothing but a sin. It is nothing but a new type of gambling. Christians said that this money should be given to the church authorities worldwide, who could use it for a good cause. As the chances are almost null lottery is nothing but “throwing Lord’s money out the window.”