Continued With Her Life
After being aware of the truth, Katheryn decided to carry on with her life. She did not let this truth affect her life. She sincerely studied and graduated high school. She entered the medical field as an EMT ambulance driver.
A Responsible Adult
Katheryn played her role in all the stages of her life efficiently. She was a good student, a good sportsperson and a successful ambulance driver. With this, two more responsibilities added to her list that was of a wife and a mother.
Role As A Mother
At the age of 27, the now-married adult with her child understood that being a mother is the best feeling in the world. She would always keep her newborn baby near her. She would hold the baby delicately and made that baby sleep on a comfortable mattress.
Why She?
One day, while making her newborn sleep, she thought, how hard it must have been for her mother to leave her away like that. That night she could not sleep as the question revolved in her mind all night. She wanted answers for the same hence she thought of putting up this question on a platform.
The Platform
Katheryn knew that she would be needing a platform so that the masses could hear her. No advertising company would do well other than Facebook. She opened her facebook profile and started typing her story that made her eyes moist.
Writing Her Heart Out
She jotted down every single detail she was aware of. She even posted the pictures that she was shown by her parents to make her believe the truth. She hoped for a positive response from her parents.