A Bigger One
Symonds was taken aback to see what the fishermen had caught this time. It was a shark but a shark much bigger than the previous one. The shark was almost eight feet in length this time, almost double the size of the one she had the last encounter with. Not only was this a differentiating feature about this shark but the matter seemed something worse too…
Hook In Jaws
This time the shark could not be rescued by just cutting the fisher lines but it would need much of thought and precision as a hook had stuck in her mouth itself. She was trembling with pain. In order to save this creature’s life, the fishermen had to reach between her ferocious jaws to rid her of the pain. But how?
A Struggle
Even at this scene, Symonds recorded the entire incident. In the resultant video, the rescue operation can be seen. A man can be seen opening the jaws of the shark while another one carefully tries to locate the hook using a metal pole. As the man was about to reach the shark’s mouth, everything went in vain. Why?
A Large Tide
Just when the situation seemed under the control, a large tide hit the shore. This tide dislocated the entire rescue mission. The men lost the grip of the shark and all attempts to save her went futile. Once the tide passed away, the men again took to work and decided not to give up. They again started by helping the creature. And this time they did much more than before…
The man again held the grip of the shark but this time a little firmly. While the other man opens the shark’s mouth to find the line that was having the hook at its end. After some tugging and maneuvering with the pole, the man could locate the hook. With precision, they drew the hook out. Finally, they could set free the shark. But this was not it.
Into Water
The shark could not swim back to the water on her own. Thus a man grabs the shark with its tail and drags it to the water. After reaching a little deep into the water, the man sets free the wild creature. The wild beast regained her breath and dived deeper into the sea.