Helping Hand
On realizing that the situation was a critical one, Symonds too rushed forward to help the poor creature. Since they were quite frightened of the shark they helped the fishermen with the needed help. To free the shark from the sharp fisher line, the man had to forcefully keep the animal’s jaws apart. Will the men be able to rescue the shark?
Reciprocated Action
The shark was a beast and could not understand that the fishermen were actually helping her out. As natural of an animal, she too was attacking the men with her teeth and was using her fin to save herself from the humans. She was trying to attack the humans in reciprocation. Though the sharks don’t harm, when irritated they end up attacking. How will the fishermen save this shark?
The Cut
The fishermen grabbed the shark between their leg and this time, not only did the fishermen but the Symonds also applied force to ensure that the shark’s jaws are apart. With a careful placement of the sharp knife, another fisherman cut loose the fishing lines entangled in the shark’s mouth. Conclusively, after a lot of effort, the shark was set free. But it was breathless and almost on verge of fainting…
Splashing Water
To save the life of this Shark, the fishermen splash water over her. After some futile attempts, the shark shows signs of movement. To keep the animal alive, they continued splashing water over her and even dragged her towards the sea. For the most surprising reason, the shark this time did not attack the humans. The Symond’s were amazed to see this…
Also, find the video of the same herein.
Never Before
Despite walking at Warnbro at almost every morning, Symonds never witnessed a shark this close to them. They were extremely frightened at her presence this near to them. “I’ve never seen a shark in real life before,” Dorothy revealed to the PerthNow news site.
However, she did not know that this was not the last time she would be seeing a shark…
Days Later
Just after a few days of the previous incident, Symonds returned to walk at Warnbro. And to her utter surprise, she saw a similar situation around her. She again stumbled upon a shark that had been caught by the fishermen. But this time before making any previous notes about the happenings, Symonds rush to the scene to have a closer look.