Nothing soothes the soul like a walk on the beach. You are walking along the beach, enjoying the cool morning breeze. The little moist sand rubbing against your feet and those sea waves imparting tranquility. That’s beautiful. Just when you were enjoying it all, you see a shark at the Gulf of the sea. Scared? Of course, any one of us would be. But then don’t worry, it was just a dream.
But this woman faced a similar situation in reality. While walking along the beach, this woman saw two men manhandling a shark. And she was shocked to realize why.
Warnbro Beach, Australia
Warnbro Beach is a beautiful beach situated at the south of the Perth, Fremantle metropolitan area. The beach has yellow fine sand which is quite clean and forms dunes at the back of the beach. The sea breeze comes around usually in the midday and this makes the morning time best for strolling at the beach. The beach is very gentle and the tides are not very high which makes the beach a good option for swimming. Who would mind having a walk in such a serene atmosphere?
Sharks On The Beach
Not only do the humans enjoy walking around the beach, but sharks too enjoy those summer breezes. Warnbro beach has often witnessed wild sharks around the seashore. There are often shark warnings there. Sharks bear a strong sense of smell and are often attracted to scents. Sharks often attack humans only if they come in way too close proximity to her. However, it is a belief that one should not wear too shiny or any metal stuff near the sharks and refrain from splashing those metals around sharks too much.
The Woman
A woman named, Dorothy Symonds is a local resident of Perth. She is a responsible citizen who is walk freak. She enjoys having long walks and strolling around the beach waters. Activities like surfing, swimming, and jogging are of her keen interest. Despite the fact that the Warnbro beach would witness a lot of sharks around, she would often go for walk there. One morning she went down to the beach when…
A Morning Walk
One morning, Dorothy Symonds and her husband Andy went for a romantic walk at the Warnbro. They also took their dog there, as it was a local dog beach. They were enjoying the cool breeze and were having a good time. In words of this couple, B.E.A.C.H is the Best Escape Anyone Can Have. The smell of the salt and sand is like an elixir existing on the planet. Just when the couple was cherishing their walk and some alone time, they saw something horrifying.
While walking along the seashore, the Symonds saw some fishermen. The fishermen were a daily sight for them. Someone who never caught much attention. But that morning, those fishermen caught the onlookers attention. They were carrying something enormous with them. The fishing net had a horrifying looking creature. Even their dog barked at the sight of those fishermen. Andy assumed that it must be a sea stingray.
A Shark
The beach walkers were absolutely stunned to discover that it was nothing but a wild shark. A shark that was almost five feet in length. It was enormous. The shark was stuck to the fishermen’s hook. The shark was trembling and so were the people on the beach out of fear. Everyone was scared to their wits. Then, something strange happens…