Inside the abandoned suitcase were kitties. And not just one or two, rather there were eight little kittens. It was them who were making those noises. Someone had locked the kitties into this bag and had left this bag in the middle of a railway track. The woman had her heart out for these tiny creatures.
Pity Them
The woman immediately sympathized with these cats. She felt disgusted about the person who packed them in a bag without any air holes. It was totally inhuman of the person who did something like that. The cats were dehydrated and suffocated.
Call For Help
The woman knew that she could not leave the cats like that over the railway track. She needs to take them to a safe place. So instead of carrying them all by herself, she contacted the local animal shelter and asked for their immediate help.
At Rescue
The animal shelter help arrived near the railway track. Even they were shocked to find the cats in the middle of such a dangerous path. The cats were really lucky that no train went by that track in the hours they were there. Then carefully picks up the suitcase ensuring no harm comes to the kittens and took them to a Vet at the animal shelter.
Poor Condition
The Vet at the animal shelter was taken aback to see such tiny creatures in a poor state like that. She examined those eight kitties and realized all of them were breathing heavily and needed some fresh air. Their pulse needed to be stabilized.
Fragile Beings
Just by the appearance of the kittens, the junior Vet could tell that they were frail. Their bones were clearly visible. It all meant that they were severely malnourished. Probably they have not eaten anything in the last 24 hours. However, there was something needing even extra care.