Some Noises
She was taken aback at the moment. Those strange noises frightened her. And all sort of weird thoughts came to her. Suddenly her eagerness and the urge to unzip the bag were gone and she held back along with her dogs. She decided to leave the spot and go back home, but her dogs did not move.
Something Dangerous
Those unknown sounds freaked the woman. She was anticipating a bomb or a landmine and anything similar in the bag. Well, if anyone would have been in her place that is exactly what they too would be hoping to find in that bag. And then she let out a loud cry, that’s when she heard something.
Some Living Being
The strange sounds seemed like muffled cries, you know like a human cry. The woman was unsure. She had her head revolving and dreaded the hidden. As the cries became evident she was certain that there is some living being inside. But who was he or she or it?
Maybe Captive
The woman had all weird thoughts coming to her after she heard those noises. She realized that maybe someone has abducted the living being and has left them to rot here in the suitcase. All these thoughts were haunting. But she wanted to help whosoever was inside. She gathers her courage to unzip the bag again.
Look Around
The woman looked around to check if by chance anyone was watching her or keeping an eye at the suitcase. But when she found none, she courageously took a step forward and unzipped the bag. And what she found inside was completely unexpected, unbelievable…
She finally unzipped the bag to see what was lying inside and making such sounds. She couldn’t believe her eyes and all she said was, “they must have sensed this in here. They were barking at this”. She knew she immediately needs to help them.