Some strangers come in your life as a blessing and then there are some who turn out to be a curse. Laura, a college-going girl had joined a new job. She was very nervous but all her nervousness faded away when she met one of her colleagues who became her friend in no time. He stayed by her side throughout the process and comforted her. The woman was clearly very happy. The first day went awesome and she came back home with a cheerful heart. It was then her new friend asked her to join him at dinner. She agreed and the two went to a restaurant for dinner. Like the previous ones, Laura had expected this too to be a good one. But she was wrong!
College Work
The girl had taken admission to the Student Government at college. She was very excited about her participation in a group that had the same motivation and passion as she did. These students are tasked with organizing and supervising many events, initiative, policies, and programs closeby schools. She was growing impatient to join the group and make new friends.
A Leap Of Faith
She was excited but when the day to join the group arrived, she felt a pinch of anxiety as well. However, all her nervousness faded away when she felt the warmth the group exuded. All of them were friendly by nature. But there was one guy who helped her a lot in getting comfortable with her surrounding.
Same Department

The duo was in the same department. They soon hit it off. Though it was her first day she gelled with him completely. The boy was very calm by nature and helped her to understand things.
New Friends
The boy asked her for her number so that he could help her if she faces any problem in future. Laura without suspecting anything off about it and gave him her number happily. The day had reached its end now and it was time to head home.
Time To Go Home

She said bye to all her group mates and her new friend. She had never expected that her first day would turn out to be so good. She could not wait to visit it again the very next morning. But little did she know in the middle of the evening and the morning something unexpected was coming her way that would change her life completely.
A Message

She was driving home when her phone beeped. She was all surprised to see who had texted her. It was the guy she had given her number to an hour ago. She pulled over her car and opened her message box only to see a surprising text from him.