Leaving School
And then after he was expelled, Patrick was fortunately given another chance in another institute. What would have been the end for him ended up not being so. And soon Patrick got an acceptance to another high school. Though he should have taken this as a chance to better himself, his drug habit got the best of him and led to him wrecking his whole life and education.
A Growing Concern
Since school obviously do now condone such behavior and Patrick was so clearly hooked on these substances, he eventually chose to drop out of school. He made a foolish decision to then tend to his drug habit full-time. Since he was well on his way to complete self-destruction, his mother grew concerned. She wanted to admit him to the local hospital where he could be properly examined.
In A Psychiatric Facility
And soon, after his mom got involved, Patrick would receive some psychiatric evaluation. All because of his referral from his previous school, Patrick soon got his admission to join a psychiatric facility. This was a facility at Mathari Hospital. His mom knew that there must have been a remedy or a solution to stop her son from ruining his whole life.
Not As Planned
And soon, after the doctors there ran a number of tests, the doctors finally made a conclusion. They found out that the drugs that he had so heavily consumed were negatively taking a toll on his brain. They decided that it would be best if he was taken into the hospital as an inpatient. This seemed like the perfect plan but as life goes, something unexpected happened.
Running Off
Although it is something that everyone should not indulge in, getting addicted to drugs is something that is one of the hardest challenges one can face to get out of. And we know the withdrawal symptoms are unbearable at times. So yes, during his stay at the hospital, Patrick left quite a number of times. He could not bear being away from the drugs.
Taking A Toll
Besides his suffering from addiction, Patrick had another reason why he would escape and run away so many times. His major complaint was that he was treated as if he was a mental patient. The doctors there would force-feed Patrick his medication so many times. He was not a mentally ill patient so the treatment started to affect his emotional and physical well being.