Oral Cancer
Even if you are a non-smoker that doesn’t make you immune from oral cancer. According to the doctors, one in five can have this cancer which is not related to tobacco use. You may be suffering from human papillomavirus (HPV), the same infection that causes cervical cancer in women. Because the lesions are very small in size and are hidden behind your throat, it becomes very difficult for the doctors to diagnose it. If you feel that you have a sore throat for a long period, change in your speech, or problem in swallowing then you should not wait for any further and get it checked asap.
Celiac Disease
Even today, the doctors are confused around the mystery that revolves around the celiac disease. What is a celiac disease? It is an immune reaction to your gluten that makes your small intestine swelled up. It takes almost 6 to 10 years before it gets properly diagnosed. The person with this condition can have problems in digestion while eating food that has gluten, like, wheat, barley, and rye. Celiac disease also causes itchy skin, headaches, joint pain, and heartburn. It is better to see a doctor if the symptoms don’t show any change.
When doctors don’t have any feasible reason that defines a patient’s chronic pain and fatigue they usually settle on a patient suffering from Fibromyalgia. Eugene Shapiro, MD, Yale University says, “There are studies that show that people with certain symptoms who show up at a rheumatologist will be diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but if the same patients show up at a gastroenterologist they’ll be diagnosed as having irritable bowel syndrome.”
As Dr. Fleming describe a migraine, “Sometimes migraine symptoms can be very severe, where the patient can even develop paralysis, and other times they can be very subtle.” he adds, “Patients might feel dizzy or lightheaded or feel a vague discomfort in their heads, and oftentimes they’ll get treated with medication that might not be appropriate for a true migraine.”
Some common symptoms of a migraine are intense throbbing in head, nausea, and vomiting.
Cluster Headaches
Cluster headaches are very painful and also very rare. This kind of a headache affects less than 1 million Americans. These headaches last between 30 minutes to three hours, on average. Cluster headaches usually occur when season changes but even doctors have no clue about why does it happen? And because of this confusion, the doctors sometimes diagnose these headaches as sinus headaches.