The Equipment
![Image result for black and white camera]](https://healthzap.co/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/bampw-black-and-white-camera-cameras-old-Favim.com-344850.jpg)
Masha belonged to a privileged family for the most part at the beginning of her life and that made her afford the best of equipment for her passion. She either used a Rolleiflex or a Leica IIIc camera for basic photography but some of her photos have also been clicked with Ikoflex or Zorki. These were really popular equipment made in the Soviet Union itself. The film that was used to capture these images was Svema. It was manufactured in Ukraine.
Due Recognition

Bringing to life, such a vast volume of work was itself a difficult task. When Aysa first encountered the image she was in no mood to share it with the world. But eventually, she realized that sharing her mother’s work with the world will give her the fame and recognition that she did not receive in her life.
A Helping Hand

These were thousands of photographs that had to be published for the world. The job wasn’t easy and Aysa would need help from as many people as she could get. Her husband and she asked for every helping hand they could and finally managed to gather a group of friends who were happy to oblige.
The Work Begins

Aysa with her husband hired a few assistants and got to the painstaking work of archiving, scanning and exhibiting thousands of these photographs. The work was tedious but Aysa’s dedication of bringing her mother’s work to light has shown them the way and things are going good.
Unknown Treasure

The team has been working tirelessly in bring out the images but the astonishing part is that even with so many months of hard and arduous work the job is still not accomplished. Thousands of photos yet need to be published and who knows what treasures and secrets the remaining photos can reveal.
Into Masha’s Life

For Aysa these photos are more than just an explanation about the past but an insight into her mother’s life. Aysa told that for her mother photography was a part of life. She clicked photos like it was breathing. It was a process of significance. She also believes that her mother stuck to photography until the last years of her life because it gave hope against everything that was going wrong in her life.