Back In Time

Asya could never have known what she was about to find when she decided to weed out the unnecessary things that were hidden down the storeroom for so many years now. A box that stored all her mother’s belongings.
The Box Of Secrets

Aysa found a collection of very safely preserved film negatives inside labeled envelops. These must have been kept by her mother and with these reels, Aysa also found other belongings of her mother. These were the things that Aysa herself had put here but finding them after so many years was still a revelation.
Reluctant To Delve

Aysa had still not got over her mother’s death and did not want to go back to the memories. “I did not want to look at them since I was afraid it would bring all the memories back,” she said. She was reluctant to find what images did the negatives hold.
A Hidden Treasure

Despite Aysa’s unwillingness to reveal the photos, her husband Egor believed that the photos might hold something of importance and value and he readily borrowed a scanner to reveal the glory the images held.
Still Fragile

Egor might have been interested in the find but Aysa was still fragile when it came to her mother’s memories. It took quite some time for her to appreciate the significance of the photos. “My pain did not allow me to see,” she went on to say, “I right away imagined my mother’s fragility, her emotional bitterness.”
A Treasure Coming To Life

Eventually, Egor started bringing the negatives to life and Aysa managed to bring herself up to see the legacy of her mother, however painful it might be. Soon it was evident that what they had stumbled upon were not ordinary photographs. The collection consisted of 30,000 incredible underdeveloped negatives.