Pitiful Contribution

Seyi almost choked on her coffee by what was written in the next line. She wrote, “You seemed to enjoy plenty but it was not reflected in the contribution you made to our wedding cost.” The bride continued to tell her how 20 dollars from Seyi and 5 dollars from her friend did not cover the cost of food, drinks, and gift bags.
Fun Costs Money

Seyi could not believe her eyes. Her ‘friend’ was bashing her for giving her less money than she expected by sending her a full text listing out the details of all the fun she had and how much it cost. And instead of enjoying her wedding night, she had spent it counting money from each envelope? This seemed like the most unfortunate way of spending your first night as a married couple.
Insignificant Gift

The message continued talking about the contribution made by other guests and how insignificant Seyi’s contribution was compared with others. Most of the guests gave around 100 Euros, and she expected the minimum contribution on anyone’s part to be 75 Euros because that was the cost per head as per their wedding plan.
Passive Aggressive

“If this was not clear from the beginning, my apologies for not explaining it better.” Seyi continued reading, completely astounded. The message ended with her bank details and the demand of 125 Euros was made to cover the cost of Seyi and her friend. She had neatly deducted the 25 Euros already received.
Forwarding The Message

The first thing Seyi did after she finished reading the text was to send it to her best friend who accompanied her on the trip. It was only minutes later when Seyi received a call from her. Her travel partner was equally insulted by the message. Especially because both of them had already planned on sending out a gift to the couple once they reach home.
Mistreating Guests

They could not believe they spent all that money to attend this wedding only to be treated like they skipped out on a restaurant check. Seyi was so understanding about the whole situation already because she knows weddings are expensive. But then they hand out envelopes to people at the wedding and now this text? How could they humiliate their guests like this?