Another Gift Bag

Seyi felt awkward since she was planning on sending her a gift once she reaches home but they couldn’t turn them away with an empty envelope. The total money came to about 25 Euros. The duo was given another gift bag, which seemed like a strange transaction but they didn’t think too much about it.
Saying Goodbye

After a bizarre but nevertheless fun night, it was time to leave. They had a 4:00 am flight back to London on the same night. The girls only had a few hours before their flight so they decided to take a quick nap, which resulted in them sleeping through their alarms and ultimately reaching the airport in just about enough time to catch their flight.
Back To Work

Unfortunately, Seyi had to go back to work the very same day their flight landed in London. She had managed to sleep a little on the flight but truth be told, she was exhausted. But for her, the vacation was worth it and she made amazing memories with her best friend. She decided to power through the day. As usual, she began with a strong cup of coffee, the first of many to follow.
The Surprise

Seyi sat down at her desk, and like any other person who comes back to work after a few days, she checked her email first. She was busy going through her inbox when she heard her phone go off. To her surprise, it was a text from her newly married friend. Seyi assumed it might be a text asking if she reached home okay.
Thank You Note

Seyi had another thought that it might be a “thank you for coming” kind of thing. However, it was too soon for thank you notes as well. The wedding was last night and traditionally she should be off preparing for her honeymoon right now instead of sending out thank you texts. Usually, the newlyweds are too busy for that kind of thing and don’t start taking care of such formalities until later.
The Message

Seyi took a long sip of her coffee and began reading the text, “Hi Seyi, how are you doing? Did you enjoy our wedding and the time spent in Cluj? Did your friend enjoy it too?” Seyi thought to herself, that it was sweet of her to ensure everyone had a great time at the wedding.