Anna was the perfect combination of the brain with beauty. She was intelligent, pretty, and young. The girl had a charm that would draw people towards her. But the man who attracted her attention was Alex Chapman. The two met at a party and got along instantly. The two looked perfect together. They tied the knot after dating each other for five months. Their marriage marked the end of their love story and the beginning of another one that was full of dark twists and secret.
The beautiful Anna began to change after marriage. Soon she became a stranger for Alex. Their was no love, trust or understanding between them. The only thing that remained between them was many secrets that Anna had kept from him all through their marriage. Secrets that later on costed the U.S. Before disappearing Anna told him a secret about her family that took his breath away. Anna was completely a new person to him now. He felt as if he was living with a big lie throughout his marriage. Alex said, “I thought I knew her.”
Meet Anna
Anna was born in Stalingrad, Russia in February of 1982. She was born into a wealthy family and had always lived her life in luxury. The girl grew up to be beautiful and very intelligent with an IQ of 162. Both of her parents were working. Her mother was an eminent teacher and her father was a prominent Russian diplomat.
Brain With Beauty

The woman was very much attached to her father. However, due to work her father lived in Kenya. Anna had excelled herself as a student and continued to achieve new ladder of success. There was way more to her. She soon moved to Moscow to pursue her masters in Economics from the People’s Friendship University of Russia.
Traveling Soul
Anna loved traveling and so she would often fly to different parts of the world exploring them. In the year 2001, she made to London. The girl loved London and especially its nightlife. She started hitting clubs every night. Very soon she had adapted to the local nightlife of London.
Meeting Him

It was during one of her visit to clubs when she met Alex Chapman. Alex fell in love with her instantly. He reminisced, “I knew right away I had to talk to her.” The charm of Anna had made him smitten. Little did he know he was going to regret his decision a few years later.
Talking To Her

Alex gathered all the courage he had and stepped towards her. He reminisces, “Anna was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen in my life.” “I plucked up some courage and went over to her and said ‘I’m sorry, but you’re the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen.’ She turned round and looked at me and said ‘My God, so are you’. I never expected that, but we got talking and spent the whole night just chatting, until about 7am. People go on about love at first sight and until then I had thought it was a load of rubbish, but as soon as I saw Anna I knew I had to be with her.”
Their Story
They felt very comfortable with each other and so started meeting. They did not hesitate from admitting their feelings to each other. And that is how their love story began. It was going smoothly. They dated each other for five months. Anna would meet him by shuttling between Moscow and London.