Something Off
Jack was extremely happy. He thought his life had a fresh start and after a monotonous life, a new kind of excitement came in. Initially, he was having the best time of his life with his secretary. As time passed by, he realized something was off. Their house was smelling a little weird.
Smell Intensifies
A horrible and disgusting smell was dominating the entire house. It was an unbearable odor. Jack could not understand where the smell was coming from. It was a strong smell, and the source couldn’t be located. Jack thought the house needed some cleaning and ventilation. Was it the only thing needed?
His secretary opened all the windows and doors. She made sure that there is enough sunlight coming in through them and the sunroofs so that this odd smell escapes the room. Unfortunately, this did not work and as the smell intensified, Jack asked for the help of professional cleaners.
Mop And Mop
The professional cleaners cleaned every single kitchen cabinet, every piece of furniture, the curtains, and the other upholstery. All the vents, chimneys were cleaned with soap water and room and air fresheners installed. While they thought this would work, it too did not. What was the issue?
Last Efforts
Jack was outraged. He could not understand that even after spending a huge sum of money on the cleaning acts, why didn’t the smell go. Its source could not be traced and day by day the smell grew stronger and stronger. For one last time, a frantic cleaning was carried out but even it did not bear fruit. It was just done for the couple. Now what?
Home For Sale
Jack knew that the house was not worthy of staying in. He along with his mistress decided to put the huge mansion on sale and the money in exchange could be used to buy another property. The multi-million dollar house was now on sale and there was a huge list of potential buyers. But…