Pork No
Laura decided to write a letter to her “dear husband” too. She took her laptop and started typing. The letter began, “Dear husband, Believe me, one thing; getting your letter really made my day. Yes, it is true that we have been married for seven years, but a good husband is completely different from what you have been and as far as my favorite dish is considered, then let me remind you, that day you prepared Pork something I have left eating since so many years. It is something my sister Carla eats and not me”.
The Haircut
She gave an equally befitting reply to Jack’s next complaint as well. The next complaint of Jack was related to his new haircut that Laura failed to notice. Laura had a very funny answer to his question. Well, she had been trying to not to hurt his feelings but maybe now was the time.
Girlish Looking
Laura explained, “I noticed that haircut but did not say anything as I thought you looked like a girl in that. And I prefer to stay silent rather than saying something like that to you. And as far as your third complaint is considered, it was exactly where you lost it.”
My $50
Jack proceeded the letter by criticizing his wife for not seeing his new pair of boxers that the man had recently bought. Laura replied, “When it comes to your new boxers, I didn’t comment since you still had the $49.80 price tag on them and I hoped that it was a coincidence that my lovely sister Carla had borrowed $50 from me the same day”.
Carla, Yes
Amongst all the things that Jack mentioned in the letter, Carla-who was Laura’s younger sister had a connection. The pork was what Carla liked, Carla was the one who borrowed money and the name that was mentioned in the next line made things all clear.
As Expected
Jack made everything clear, “Either you don’t love me anymore, or you are cheating on me, whatever the case, I have to say it is over and I’m leaving. P.S. Please, do not try to find me. Your sister Carla and I are moving to West Virginia together! Wish you the best and I hope you have a great life!”