Good Initiative

This initiative has benefitted hospitals a lot. There has been an increment in the number of donors. Reportedly, 200,000 people came forward to donate blood. That is what the survey carried out by NHS Blood and Transplant service signifies. 

Encouraging people

Informing people about how the donation made by them is put to good use that would prompt others to do the same. It will also alleviate the doubts that people usually have about the process.  

Full Detail

The text sent to the U.K. donors contains the information regarding the dispatch of their blood and delineates about the hospital where the present is delivered to. Surprisingly, one blood donation has the capability of saving about three lives. 

Proud Moment

Zoe Scarrow a blood donor made a statement to NHS Blood and Transplant in 2016: She talked about how the text made her feel. She had never felt so proud of herself. “I started donating in 1999 as soon as I was old enough to. It makes me feel good to know I am doing something to help others,” she stated. 

Letting Everyone Know

Scarrow reminisces how ecstatic she felt when she received the text that she decided to share her happiness with her family and friends. She went on to say, “I was so pleased to hear when and where my blood had been dispatched to. It makes it more personal to know exactly which hospital received your blood donation. I was so excited and proud that I texted my family to let them know too.”

Service That Encourages

Director of the blood donation at NHS Blood and Transplant, Mike Stredder said, “We are always looking at new ways to encourage donation. We hope that the new texting service will show how vital blood donations are used to help people in need.”