Helping Her Unknowingly

  Lian who was already amazed began to feel happy that his one good deed helped her wife getting out of that tragedy. “I urge everyone to donate blood because there is a chance [that you could] save your future wife.”

Not For Lin

However, Lin cannot donate blood as she herself is a beneficiary of it. However, that does not hamper her from encouraging her friends and family members to donate blood. After all who could know the importance of blood transfusion better than her  Now she was more in love with her husband.  

Giving Life

Blood donors are those saviors who never find out who they have saved. Their selfless act becomes the reason for someone’s revival. The half an hour they spend in the donation of the blood holds the capability of extending someone life to many years.   

A Fairytale

Isn’t it more like a fairytale? Well, this is difficult to believe that incidents of this sort actually happen. In those tales, we have seen a prince saving the life of the princess. Here too the man rescues his wife that too unknowingly.   

New Method

Everyone knows the importance of blood donation and that is why new methods have been designed to donate blood. U.K’s National Health Service has started this provision of texting donors when their contribution comes to the hospital. It is done to evoke interest in people for donating blood.     

The NHS Blood And Transplant Service

The NHS Blood and Transplant service have declared that the initiative would be taken on June 14, 2016: World Blood Donor Day. This scheme has been made with the aim of letting the donors know how their blood is saving many lives. It also encourages others to step up and donate.