Lian and Lin are a happily married couple. They had never felt so open and happy with each other. Lin’s husband would always make a joke about the blood donation she had received many years ago that led to an investigation by the woman. She was curious to know who donated her blood. Consequently, she headed to the hospital only to get an unexpected revelation.
Started As A Joke
Lin who was tired of her husband’s remarks eventually decides to find out where was her life-saving transfusion sourced from. Not a single day went by when her husband Lian would not make jokes on it. It was only because of his constant wisecracks a curiosity evoked in her. She too wanted to know whose blood was running inside her.

Six Decades Ago

Lin and Lian met six years ago. They call it a first sight love as they felt an instant connection with each other. Since then they had committed themselves to each other. Even though six years had passed by, they were still in love with each other.
Approaching Hospital

Lin had made up her mind. She headed to Taiwan’s medical authorities the very next day. The center might help her in discovering who had given her blood. The woman had no idea that she was about to discover an amazing thing that remained unnoticed for a long time.
Process For Donation

While donating blood is a noble cause, it is necessary for all donors to have a full examination of their health. They should also go strict physical assessment. It is only after all these check-ups and assessments, about one pint of blood is collected from them. Some of them are collected in test tubes to send for further tests. In return of that, a donor gets an identification number that gets them their gift for doing such heroic work.
Packed Separately
It is after all this, the blood is taken for further use. All details are checked carefully before that. Many of those samples are used to differentiate between plasma, platelets, and red cells. Thereafter, each component is packed separately to make distinct units. These units are taken in use when doctors prescribe them for blood transfusion.
Healthy Or Not
Before instilling it into the body of a patient, the experts run it through many other testings to check if it is still free of infectious diseases or not. Although it happens rarely, if the substance by any chance happens to be not fit, they discard it immediately. Also, the donors are also kept in the loop about the development. On the other hand, if the blood remains healthy then it is stored and labeled. They use the sample when the need arrives.