Only Way?
The person who hid it could have burnt it or threw it away but instead of doing that he/she decided to bury it safely inside the ceiling. And finally, they found a piece of information that led them to some surprising revelation.
Important Clues
Bobby and Megan while sifting through the photo album found a piece of paper tucked inside. It was a copy of a wedding invitation. The invitation revealed a great deal about the newlyweds. They were Joseph Garguilo and Marguerite. The date is written on the invitation was September 14. What more did they find?
The Venue
Along with that, the invitation also revealed that the couple had got married in New York. It was clear that they had relocated to Florida after their marriage. But still, they did not know why did they hide their album inside the ceiling.
After looking closely they dug out some more important information about the couple’s wedding. They even managed to find out that the nuptial was celebrated at St. Thomas Apostle Roman Catholic Church. This religious institution is situated on 87th Street and 88th Avenue in Woodhaven, Queens, New York.
After the ceremony, they headed to the Senior Petty Officers Mess at New York Naval Shipyard, Brooklyn. This is the place where they gave their wedding reception. There were numerous photos of their reception as well. Megan and Bobby felt as if they were watching a movie.
Even though Megan had never talked to the couple she felt as if she knew them. Those pictures worked as a window to the lives of this mysterious couple. Megan wanted to know more about them. Soon her desire to know them was going to turn into an obsession.