Traditional White Wedding

The album contained wedding pictures. Moreover, it was a traditional white wedding. In this kind of wedding not only the bride wears a white gown and veil but the groom too dons a white suit.
In The 60s
By the appearance of the photo, it was clear that this wedding had taken place in the ’60s. The pictures were vintage and the dress sense of the bride and groom and all the other guests also conveyed the same. Now there was only one question left. Why the couple hid their wedding album and from whom? It was clear that they had concealed the album from someone.
So what was their first reaction when they saw the pictures in the album that remained hidden inside the ceiling of their house.”My first reaction was, ‘Wow, what a beautiful wedding.'” “I sat looking through it and thought, We need to find these people.” said Megan
Our Children’s Wedding
The duo once again searched the ceiling to see if there was anything else hidden there. “He found the big wedding album first, which would have been the bride and groom’s copy of the wedding album,” Megan said, “The next day, when we had more light, he went back up in there and he found what would have been the parents’ little small version of the same album.”
Bought In 2009
Bobby had bought the house in 2009. He had bought it from his mom. So, the man has no knowledge as to who used to own this house before his family. Clearly, whoever previously owned this house was the owner of these albums too.
Why Was It Hidden?
Well, it was beyond the couple as to why would anyone try to hide the pictures of their most memorable day. Clearly, this house had witnessed some odd incidents that made the couple cement their album. There was surely a link that Bobby and Megan were missing.