Wale and his friends were so proud of Pluto. Had the dog not found the kittens they would have been lying under the boat for god knows how long. She not only saved their lives but also had fed them and nurtured them with love, care, and food.
A Treat
Though the friends did not expect their weekend party to go like this, they did not mind helping the little ones. They brought the kittens to their resort and there they fed them with food, water, and milk.
Meal For Them
The friends had packed some meat with them. They planned on treating themselves with some spicy meat burgers at the barbeque, but they served that meat to the kitties thinking that they need it more and it was the best use of the meal.
More Help
The friends were not sure if the kittens were fit and fine. There might be some internal injuries escaping from their eyes. Thus, they took them to the nearby vet and got them treated. The kittens were really small and anything could have been wrong with them while staying at the jungle.
Good News
Fortunately, the kittens were all healthy and disease free. Even the vet was surprised to see such a condition of the kittens especially after knowing the circumstances they were found in. And this wasn’t all. There was good news as well.
Just Perfect
Soon after visiting the doctor, two of Wale’s friend actually adopted those kitties. They had fallen in love with them and would love to raise them up. The friends had a trek and adventurous bachelor’s party which even gifted them, two young pals, to look after.