No Play
Noah was alone all through his holidays because there were no friends who would come out to play with him. All the parents were scared after the storm and did not want to risk the safety of their children so almost all children were on house-arrest, and that left Noah without any friends to enjoy the holidays with. But his life was going to change real soon..
Noah’s Father
The little kid loved and adored nature because of his father, Nick Crooks. Nick had been a fairly aware person and knew about the deteriorating conditions of mother nature, and that built an interest in Noah as well. He wanted to do something to improve the suffocating condition of nature.
Different From Others
Noah is unlike other children of his age. He rarely sees any cartoon shows or channels, instead, his interest has been developed in awareness and educational channels like Nat Geo, Discovery, Animal Planet, etc. He liked watching documentaries on nature and the things related to it.
The twist in Noah’s ordinary holidays came when one day he was sitting with his father and was watching Blue Planet Documentary II on BBC, and suddenly got inspired and an idea struck his mind. Little did he know that his idea would make him world-famous.
After watching the documentary and the aftermath of the storm, Noah decided to contribute to the welfare of nature. Noah was way smarter and understanding when compared to the other kids of his age. His mind was made and the next step that he discussed with his dad is something we should all learn from.
Stanbury Mouth Beach
Noah was determined that he would contribute in improving the conditions of the aftermath of the storm, and therefore decided that he would go to Stanbury Mouth Beach with his father and brother and clear the garbage that was collected on the shore due to the waves of the storm. But he was unaware of the changes his life would face after going to the beach the next morning.