Nibbling Is The New Kiss

This cute little baby fox has just an adorable way of showing love, can you guess how? This cub rather than placing kisses on the hands of its savior nibbled their fingers. Isn’t that adorable?

Unusual Friendship

Alya, not just finds people amusing but also likes to befriend them all, and not just humans but dogs too! Lupe and Alya are now the best friends forever. And not just buddies they are partners in crime too, goofing around each other and amusing others with their mischief.

Hide And Seek

Lupe, who would let no one go near her favorite stuff toy, readily lets Alya play with it. Now, as both of them are growing and are being trained, they are learning new games too and guess what’s there all-time favorite game.No doubt its hide and seek.

Size is secondary

Nevertheless, they have a difference in size, Lupe could easily make Alya run but she never does that.Instead, she takes care of Alya more like her own pup than a friend.


Now Alya is safe and sound and has found a cozy home. She can grow in her natural environment and have a peaceful life ahead.

A Bright Future

The horror that Alya had faced in Fur Farms may not be wiped out from her mind ever. But her saviors have made sure that she wouldn’t face any such horror again and let her roam around with no chains restricting her movements in the cage.