Not A Safe Place
As mentioned earlier, the ground was adjacent to the national park so was open to any kind of animal including the dangerous ones. The baby doe, on the other hand, was too naive and weak to protect her own self. For instance, One day Darius captured a bear walking in his backyard. Keeping all these things in mind, Darius decided to do something that he had never done before!
Getting Her Home
He decided to bring the fawn home! Darius maintained “I do not support keeping wild animals as pets.” Darius clarified in his caption of the video “but this was [a] special situation.” It was to see how this wild creature was going to respond to an all-new world.
No Chance To Survive
Darius explained, “with so many predators around, she had no chance to survive on her own.” Something had to be done and being an animal lover himself, he decided to bring the fawn home. There was one more problem lying ahead!
What Lies Ahead?
Now, it was going to be a tricky situation for Darius. He already had lots of pets including cats and dogs and this one was completely different from all of them. It was to see how were they going to react to the new member.
No Problem At All
Darius explained “she was very hungry and had no problem with any of my pets. [For the] first week, she slept by my bed on my shirt, and the shirt became very important to her,” He continued “she had to have it to be able to sleep.”
Redressing Wound
The very first thing that Darius did after bringing the deer home was to address her wounds because of which her mother had left her. He had a perfect solution for the injury. He took a splint from an oatmeal box in use to keep her leg in perfect place.