You may agree that the best part of our home is the backyard as it gives us our “my moments.” Want to read a book or take a sip of coffee while admiring the weather what could be a better place than the backyard? Darius a Lithuanian outdoorsman was strolling in his backyard when he welcomed an unexpected guest in his backyard. It was a pregnant deer who had chosen his backyard to give birth. Realizing deer’s intention, Darius ran inside his home and came out with a camera to capture the moment. The deer gave birth to two fawns while one was absolutely fit, the other one was not physically sound. Little did Darius know that his discovery in his backyard was going to change his life forever.

Do check the video that we have got especially for you in the next few slides. The video would surely make your day!

What’s In The Backyard?

Darius Sasnauskas, a Lithuanian outdoorsman who works in the Yellowstone National Park in the US loves taking walk in his home’s backyard in his leisure time. His house is located next to the park and his backyard and the park touch each other’s boundary. Darius, while taking walk in his backyard saw something very unusual!

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park is the first national park built in the U.S. and also is the first national park in the world. The region sprawls over 3,468.4 square miles that consist of canyons, mountain ranges, rivers, and lakes. The historical park is very rich in the fauna as it has more than 1,700 kinds of trees and other vascular plants. Yellowstone has over 60 species of mammals that includes coyote, timber wolf and many more.

Waiting Impatiently

So, the fun part of having the backyard next to the park is that one can come across any animal at any time. That is what happened with Sasnauskas. While taking a walk in his backyard he encountered a pregnant deer. She must have come from the park. The deer was about to give birth to her babies and Sasnauskas was very excited to behold the moment.

Catching Moment

He thought of capturing this magnificent moment and hurriedly brought his camera from inside. The deer was all set to bring her babies to the world. And that very moment was going to bring a big change in Darius’ life. He had been recording the moment and we have brought the video for you! Go through the next few slides and watch that cute video.

Something Unbelievable

However, the ecstasy of Darius was shortlived. Some while after the birth of those two fawns, mother deer decided to head back to their home. It was then, Darius noticed one of the fawns was not able to move. The fawn was having an injured front leg. Apparently, the baby deer first steps did not go as well as expected. Darius recalled, “The fawn was helpless, she was just born earlier that day, [and] still had some blood on her belly.”