Something Is Not Right

Fedrick had sensed it! This was an emergency situation and Fedrick did not want to let the man gets a whiff of her plan. Fortunately, the man could not grasp it. However, she was still not sure whether the girl needed help or not.
Shaking Answer
Fedrick got stunned when she saw the note having her answer. The girl indeed needed help. Clearly, she was in danger and was looking for help. That is why when she saw the note she responded immediately. Probably the girl was taken to San Francisco without her approval. But the question was why?
Action Time
After getting the note, Fedrick wasted no time and jumped into action quickly. Firstly, she barged into the pilot cabin and informed the pilot about the girl. Thereafter, the pilot called police from the height of 30,000 feet from the ground. Now the onus was shifted to the San Francisco Police. The police took the matter into their hands and waited for the plane to land.
Arrival Of Police
Instantly, the local police were deployed on the terminal and when the plane landed the man was arrested shortly after. The girl was finally rescued. When Fedrick learned what danger she had rescued the girl from, land swept down her feet.
The Bigger Picture
It was more than what met the eyes! The girl was the victim of human trafficking. Fedrick knew that she is in a problem but she had never expected this to be such a big. The girl was abducted and taken to San Francisco. The teenager would have had her whole life in the dark had Fedrick not helped her in time.
Full Of Bruises
Fedrick explained the condition of the young lady, “The bruises that I saw on her, her appearance, her demeanor. I knew something was just not right. [She] looked like she had been through pure hell.” No doubt, the girl was about to be pushed towards the endless dark.