Something Unknown
The tree trunk fell one side and the loggers cut this into smaller chunks in order to transport them quicker. As they began chopping up the tree, the logger realized that this tree had a very unknown characteristic about it. Their first assumption was that this tree was merely hollow. If what they thought was right, then there should be sunlight passing through the tree. But it was not. Hence, there must have been something stuck there or it was not hollow at all…If you ask the people who saw the tree from a further distance, they would tell you that it appears like a black hole was present inside of the tree. It was truly an unusual feature. At first, the loggers though it was some stem growing inside of the tree. But this would prove to be so much more…
An Alternative
When they saw that the hollow looking tree did not let light pass through, they knew they had to check it out. It sparked their curiosity and so someone had to volunteer to get inside the tree to see what the reason was. Since there are a lot of superstitions about this kind of stuff, everyone was reluctant to go. It was a little difficult to just check, but they knew somebody had to man up.
Checking The Reason
The loggers had an intense discussion to decide who would go to check the reason for this blockage of light inside this tree. So after a few minutes, one logger volunteered to get inside the hollowed-out trunk to see what the cause for this unusual phenomenon. So when this person went in, he found something unique.
What was inside?
Since he reacted in such a way, everyone present there was even keener on finding out what this strange thing was. The man could finally collect his words and described what he had seen inside. It was something unknown, according to him, that blocked the light from passing. They did not continue with their work and stopped for the day for this was an incident that had never happened before.
What Was It?
Why was it there in the first place? The loggers then decided that they altogether should check the reason that made one of their coworkers react this way. Even though scientists mostly discover the unusual and provide explanations, this group of loggers made the discovery of a lifetime!