Mom Suggested
When Blaire walked out of the washroom, her mother was standing there to check on her. She told her mother that she was unable to get the thing off. She informed her that the pain in her mouth is most probably because of this thing only. She called and made an appointment with the dentist for the very next day. Even the dentist was stunned by what he found stuck in Blaire’s gums.
Time For A Visit
Sally made an appointment with their long trusted dentist, Dr. Larry Klein. Blaire sat in the dentist’s chair and waited for the dentist to arrive who reached. Once the dentist turned on the light and focused it on Blaire’s mouth, Sally showed him where is the object located. He saw the thing closely but couldn’t really say what it was. Dr. Klein has to take a closer view of it. Fortunately, he knew what is to be done next.
Get A Better Look
Dr. Klein recently invested in a high tech, state-of-the-art intraoral camera. This camera had features that would make it much easier for the dentist to take a close view of this object stuck in Blaire’s mouth. The device helps in finding the abnormalities and magnify them to diagnose the problem with more accuracy. The new tool proved to be a success as Dr. Klein finally reached to the bottom of this mystery.
Blue Object
After completing the inspection, Dr. Klein informed Sally and Blaire that it was something blue in color. Before the doc starts making assumptions related to this thing, he decided to confirm a few things with Blaire first. He asked her a couple of questions and finally got his answer that was about to be a shock to the health conscious Blaire.
Had Something Blue?
The first thing Dr. Klein wanted to be certain about was if Blaire had anything which was blue in color in the past few days. Blaire recalled but said she had nothing that will leave a blue color on her tooth. She said it could be a candy or sprinkled donuts. But this wasn’t the answer that the dentist was looking for.
Magnified More
While Blaire is a foodie person who goes on trying new dishes every now and then, she just couldn’t think of anything blue. Even Dr. Klein knew it was no food yet asked questions to keep Blaire a bit distracted from all the camera that was looking into her mouth. He magnified more on the blue object to be certain about his doubt.