As the volunteers have never known a creature of this description, they themselves were very curious to find out what it was. Though they were a little tensed thinking that an animal this weird has been roaming around, yet they were excited to know what it was.
It Is This
When volunteers reached the residential area, they found this creature hiding in the bushes. It appeared to be scared. They caressed its back. As the animal felt calm, it stepped forward. And the volunteers were shocked. All they said was, “it’s impossible. This has been hiding here”.
This Is Wild
The volunteers did not waste a second and could immediately recognize this animal. This wasn’t a domesticated one. Rather it was a wild beast. And the only reason for its appearance was that it was suffering from the disease mange.
Black Bear
The FFAWC staff members told the residents that it is no other animal but a black bear. It was in a dreadful condition and needed immediate care. As the volunteers said “black-bear” none could believe. In any way, it didn’t appear to be one. Was it actually a bear?
Safety Concern
The team was tensed. They had never witnessed such a severe case of mange. Moreover, this skin disease is so dangerous that it can even be communicated to humans. The residential area was not at all safe for this animal as well as the natives.
Care Needed

FFAWC team without wasting a second decided to transport this animal to their wildlife center and provide him with medical care. This was safe for the residents as well as good for the deteriorating health of this bear. What happened next was quite saddening.