Happy Faces

The moment Larry and Alouk saw Chloe, their happiness was over the moon. They had tears in their eyes but this time they were out of joy, the joy of reuniting with their family member they thought they had lost forever. However, without wasting much time the couple rushed him to the nearby vet.

Intense Care

When Chloe was taken for medical help, the vet was also surprised that the dog managed to survive for food and water for this long. He even said that now this pooch needed intense care and nourishment in order to get back to his ideal body weight.

Under Observation

Chloe was kept under observation as his was a severe case of malnourishment. Moreover, he had suffered a few injuries probably in an attempt to return to his home after being lost in the mountains. Larry and Alouk now just prayed for his speedy recovery.

Slow And Steady

With time, Chloe was making progress. More than the medicines it was Larry and Alouk’s presence near him which made all the difference. Knowing that he has his family by his side helped him recover fast. And soon only he was discharged from the clinic.

Back To Basics

As Chloe returned home, his health showed tremendous progress. He would now again run around the entire house barking. He along with Larry and Alouk would again go back for walks to the woods, but this time decided to stay just with them and not run far. Larry and Alouk were grateful to Trinity and Sean…

Thank You

The couple was extremely grateful to Trinity and Sean. While they had given hopes on reuniting with Chloe ever in their life, this couple decided to give it a try for the cause of humanity. Larry even posted a special thanking note on her social media handle to present her happiness in regard to the same.