The Precautions

Before she was ready to break in she had to make sure that the strike was not close enough to the sound’s origin as it could hit whatever that was stuck. She also had to find the weak spot on the wall to make it easy to break into it. She did it by knocking lightly into the wall. The lighter knocks determined places that she would strike hard and break the concrete.
Time To Strike

She finally started striking the wall with the hammer. The source of the sound was on the other side. Her knock gradually turned hard from gentle and she was able to make a hole in the wall. It was not enough for her hands to enter and grab whatever was inside so she kept hitting until the hole was big enough for her to let her hands inside.
Louder Cries
She kept hammering until she had broken a hole big and deep enough for her hand to enter it. The cries now grew louder and she was sure that she had hit the spot. She could not waste any time. She put the hammer aside and put her hand inside the hole. She kept going inside until she almost elbow-deep in the hole. She felt a little tunnel. When her hands entered the tunnel she felt something that left her shocked.
Grabbed It

She felt something, grabbed it and pulled it out. Against her expectations, it was only drywall and dirt in her hands. Cement had left the walls because of her strikes and it was getting difficult for her to go deeper. But as she went ahead the cries became clearer and louder. She was on the right path.
Clearing The Way

Hearing the loud cries she was sure that she was on the right way and let her hands dig even deeper into the hole. She continued clearing the way while she was unaware of what she would hold at the end of the small tunnel. But she did find out, soon!
Fuzzy And Small

She touched something. Something fuzzy and small. She thought it was insulation in the wall and only when she was about to go ahead she felt it move. It was no insulation but something living. She held it softly and tried to pull it out without hurting the little being.