Search Mode

The pitch this time was high and she could slowly follow the sound to find its origin. The sounds were now heard at regular intervals. The crying was closer than she thought and she was now confident enough to discover what and where was this call coming from. She hoped there would be no danger for her and her kids.
Search Begins

The sound grew louder and she started her search with the rooms. The room where these sounds were hearable. When the intensity grew she was worried if something needed immediate attention and help. Because every time she was in the kitchen the sounds were loud after she finished searching the kitchen she moved to the room adjacent to the kitchen.
The Crying Stopped

She could not find anything in the room and suddenly the crying had stopped. She was now worried if something had happened to the mysterious creatures making the sounds. She tried to listen closely but could hear nothing. She was disheartened and thought that only if she would have acted earlier she could have saved them.
Frantic Search

She sat on the bed thinking of what could have happened to them. When she got up to go back to the kitchen she heard it again! She ran straight towards where she thought the sounds were erupting. She ran upstairs and as she came closer the crying increased. She was finally in a room.
The Living Room

She was panting when she reached the living room. Her kids stared at her with shock. What was that made her mom run directly into the room and why was she running. Her mind was full of thought. “I need to do something”, she told to herself.

The TV hung on the wall left to where the sound was coming from. The lady had to be certain before taking any decision otherwise she would be making a huge mistake. She would be wasting time searching the wrong place and something unwelcoming could happen to the creatures by then.