Thing To Cheer!

Back in 1993, Robinson was the lyric baritone and the document which was found also had the names of the students who assisted him. The names included pianist Karen Keating and sopranos Vera Massarotto and Barbara Hartsell. But what was amazing that Robertson performance also had a functional cassette tape that recorded his performance.

It Was Nostalgic

The cassette made the crowd cheer and one of the spokesperson also thanked Robertson for such a wonderful time capsule gift that brought back so many memories for the staff and the students. The next discovery, a yearbook from 1993 wasn’t in a very good condition. That was because the contents went through a long process and the moisture damaged the contents.

TV Shows Of The Past

The shows listings that were found in the capsule included The Wonder Years finale, Saved by the Belland Baywatch. The Winchester Star’s headline, “Serbs Will Collapse If Belgrade Stops Arms” was also something special. But there were some other past important details that happened in 1993 that were really noteworthy.

Special Notes

Several students also submitted a collection of personal notes inside the time capsule that made the time capsule worth finding. These notes were the most interesting part of the discovery. Marvin Everette Grice Jr., who graduated from the Bachelor of Music in Performance left a very beautiful note for his fellow students of the Shenandoah University.

The Note

Grice Jr. wrote, “Request: Gloria Warner, To dance with Marvin Grice on 5-6-93. 8-?” Nobody knew if Warner accepted the invitation or not. We wish his request was accepted by her. So what was there inside for the students of 2018? For them, the students left their dreams and hopes in the capsule that made the students really emotional.

A Photograph

A photo was found inside the time capsule that showed three students from the university’s 1991 choir tour to Zurzach, Switzerland. There were three Voice Performance student Vera Massarotto, Bachelor of Science in Arts Management graduates Barbara Ellen Hartsell, and Catherine Ann Via Burzio. Notes were written on the back side of the photograph from all three of them.