Little did Mary Grams, the 84-year-old widow knew that she was going to learn one of the biggest lessons of her life at such age. Prior to the incident, Mary who resides in Camrose, southeast of Edmonton, Canada, had a very peaceful life with her family. Her husband passed away in 2012 and now she spends most of her time with her grandchildren and children. Her son Brian and his family were residing away from her in their ancestral farming field when she got the call. They had found something unexpected from their Mary’s past and when the old woman got knowledge of it she had her mouth wide open.
Remembering Past
Mary got engaged with Norman in 1951. Norman gifted her a beautiful diamond ring at their engagement and a year after, the two tied the knot. After marriage, the two started living in Norman’s ancestral farm in Armena, Alberta. For Mary, it was like dream come true. At that time she used to live in the house adjacent to their farm with her husband where that thing was found. It was a peaceful place with lots of scenic sights all around. Needless to say that she was leading a perfect life until an incident transpired that made her regret something for the rest of her life.

Pulling It Off
She loved gardening and spending her leisure time in her gardens looking after the flowers and vegetables. One day in 2004, she was walking in her garden looking at all the crops. It was then she saw that weeds had grown in a large number. Weeds are unwanted plants that grow on its own and can prove fatal to the main crops if not checked. Out of fear that the weeds would cripple the growth of other crops, she decided to pull the weeds off the ground immediately after seeing them. Mary vividly remembers the day “I was going to look at something, I don’t remember what I was going to look at, all of a sudden I [saw] this tall weed,” Grams explained, “I thought, ‘Oh, I’ll grab it.” She had no idea how much was she going to regret her this action in future.

Something’s Missing
Her ring finger caught her attention while doing the daily chores. And then she started looking here and there desperately. She had lost the engagement ring that Norman gave her in 1951. She had it with her for the last 50 years and now suddenly it was gone! The worst thing was that she had no idea where and when did it fall. It took a while to realize that the ring would have fallen in the garden while taking out the weeds. She sprinted towards the field and checked each and every strand of weed. Mary said, “I got on my hands and knees and looked all over and I could not find it.” She continued searching for her ring the whole day but it was to no avail. That very night she cried hard until she slept. It was not just a ring for her, it was much more than that.

What Next
Mary visited a jeweler. She bought herself the cheapest engagement ring available there. Just imagine how bad would have she felt at that time as she had to substitute her diamond ring with something much cheaper. But the ring had surely solved her problem. Astonishingly, no one realized that the ring she was wearing was a fake one, not even her husband, let alone the world. However, she, later on, admitted: “Maybe I did the wrong thing, but you get so worked up.” This secret remained a secret until the time the woman revealed it on her own.
After Thirteen Years
Thirteen years had passed by and the ring that she knew was lurking somewhere in her garden remained buried at an unknown place. Many things had changed by the time 2017 arrived. Now the farm is occupied by her son Brian and his wife Colleen. However, the farm is taken care of in the same way as she used to take in her time. Just like her mother-in-law, Colleen used to harvest the vegetables for lunch or dinner. As usual one evening Colleen was harvesting the vegetables when she found something really historical.

One Carrot Diamond
Have you seen something like this before? Isn’t it amazing! Dailey explained, “I knew it had to belong to either grandma or my mother-in-law because no other women have lived on that farm.” It was confirmed that the just found ring was Mary’s lost engagement souvenir. Now the only thing left was to give it back to her. On the very next day when her granddaughter brought her the carrot tightly clad with her ring, she could not believe her eyes. She said, “A sort of happy feeling went through [me] and I said, ‘It can’t be possible — yet here it is!” How much had she tried at that time to find it but it came out now after more than a decade when she had lost all the hopes of finding it. Mary recalls the emotional moment “I recognised it right away, they found it yesterday when my daughter-in-law was digging carrots for supper.”