Inside Wonders
If they had not worked hard on removing the old staircase and placing a brand new one, it would have certainly injured someone. The state in which these stairs were was terrible and would not have been able to hold anyone. The chances of someone collapsing due to loads of rust on it was very high.
Secret Stairways
John had been studying the blueprint of this structure for a long time. He could finally understand that this was, in fact, a bomb shelter that was built many years ago. It must have been someone’s desperate attempt to protect themselves from a potential disaster or apocalypse of some sort.
The Starting Of Revelations!
John has been working as a fireman so he knew exactly what needed to be done when someone needs to be rescued from a small space. What John and his friends found out was that the person who built this place was fully aware of all the basic necessities to survive here.
A Better View
This is a clear photo that shows exactly how the “bunker” looked. They were shocked to find that it had been in this pristine condition even after all those years of remaining unattended. It also looked quite fancy as the place had a dome and a doorway as well.
The Ceiling
The fiberglass on the ceiling of this place was also breaking apart and it needed quick fixing. If they did not act quickly, it could possibly cause a great deal of harm to the health of anyone who enters this place. The lungs would clearly be affected…
Removed It
The guys did not waste time and the fiberglass was immediately removed by them. Look at this image and see what they again discovered. They knew straight away that they needed to remodel and revamp the place if they wanted it to keep it from breaking apart.