Bomb Shelter Chic
So in order for them to enter the structure, they had to brainstorm and come up with a proper plan. They decided on placing a conduit for electricity apart from carrying other utilities just to be cautious. Even though these were extreme measures, they did not want to risk failure and took any steps they felt was necessary to enter the site.
Little By Little
John and his friends did a good job of reforming the site as evident in this photo. They were in a hurry but they knew that taking these necessary steps was crucial. The concrete that they made use of was coming into form perfectly with no issue for these men at work. Still, their job was not done. There were a few things on their list of things to do.
Summer Heat
Since it was such a draining work and the sun was upright and blazing hot, they needed to save themselves. So to protect themselves from the scorching heat of the sun, they decided to make a tent to shade them while at work. The men were too excited to call it quits and so they did all that they could to continue working towards their goal in mind.
Determination Station
Even though their task was taking up more time than they had anticipated, John and his friends were not quitters and they did not stop. They were determined and focused on exploring the insides of the site so the work was not going to be an obstacle. They were so driven that it seemed as though there was nothing that could stop them now…
Rollin Up Their Sleeves
It is a tough job to lay out concrete as you cannot hurry and speed things up. The men at work were just glad that they could add another tick mark to one of the tasks that needed to be completed. They were slowly but surely getting close to the goal and they could not have been more excited. Their coordination and efforts were starting to pay off.
Digging Deep
The base needed some sort of support so that was when they decided to build a rebar. This is something that all builders must know because it is extremely important to always secure the top of any structure to eliminate the dangers of accidents and injuries. John and his friends were slowly nearing their final goal so they were very glad.