Getting Married
‘Then we let them spend the night together. After three months of dating, we let them get ‘married,’ Vicky continued. A special enclose has been built for them where they spend their ‘we’ time together. In their relationship, Sheila seems to be the boss.
All She Wants
This newlywed couple can’t get enough of each other. Sheila is absolutely in love with her husband, cardboard boxes and attention. Vicky also talks about Kahn’s possessive nature for his wife. How he does not hesitate on charging other lions when they try to check his wife out. Do you want to know how he expresses his love? Check the next slide…
Beautiful And Rough
Having a wife as beautiful as Sheila, Kahn has to be sure about her safety all the time. Vicky says ‘Then Kahn lets that guy know she belongs to him.’ He roars and sometimes charges at them. Who would say two rescued animal would make such a perfect couple? But what happened to their owner who almost killed them?
Punished For The Sin
The owner who abused Sheila, Kahn and other animals is no longer entitled to keep other big animals. However, the petitioners who were expecting stricter action against him did not appreciate such a minimal penalty.
Beautiful Love Story
This story that started with horror, fortunately, ended with boundless love. Sheila’s journey from euthanization to a blissful marriage is nothing less than a thriller movie that kept us on our toe to know what actually happened.