Soon Shiela was admitted into the organization. Despite Shiela’s poor response to the treatment, rescuers were hell-bent on getting her back to shape. As she was not able to take food into her mouth on her own the team used to hand feed her. The founder of In Sync said, “For two weeks, I had to go in with Sheila and hand-feed her.” She added further “I’d meatballs balls and literally stuff them down her throat.”
No Improvement
However, not much improvement was perceived in her health. According to an In-Sync member “She had very little muscle coordination, and thus, when she walked, her legs would slip out from under her.”
Nothing Really Helped
Even the rescuers had never seen a case like this before. The victim herself was reluctant to recuperate. Gradually, due to the grim weakness, she became motionless. She used to throw up whatever she eats leaving her energy less again. Her condition had put the workers in dilemma! And that is when they took a decision!
Tough Decision
No matter how much the workers tried, Shiela’s condition was only deteriorating day by day. Noting that, the team decided to consider USDA’s advice of euthanizing this big cat. Evidently, Shiela was undergoing lots of pain every day. Her life had become nothing short of a curse for her and letting her live this way would be the worst thing that could be done to her. So they planned on giving her a merciful death.
Losing a big cat like her would be big. Sheila stood out in her ilk, thanks to her unique color that made her look very beautiful among others. She must have been very desirable among her counterparts. As far as the reason behind her different color is concerned that it was due to her gene commonly known as color-inhibitor or chinchilla gene. The lioness of this color is only found in Timbavati and South Africa. They were all set to euthanize her when a new information about her came to the light.
Deadly Disease
Another revelation about the cat soon dawned upon In Sync. The team learned that Sheila was suffering from toxoplasmosis and lack of vitamin A. In this disease parasites gets mixed with the blood of the victim. Though the disease is not harmful to humans, it can prove really detrimental for cats and Sheila was a cat! Was it going to save her? Would Sheila who was refusing to eat anything take the medicine?