Do It
The moment Avi reached the spot, he did not give it a second thought and jumps into the storm drain. People around help him in jumping inside and even provides him with a torch which would assist him in locating the terrified kitty. And what he saw next was heart-breaking.
Lean On
Avi looks for the kitty and when he, at last, finds her leaning over the drainage pipe which further connects to the bigger drain. The kitty was badly scared and was not even letting Avi touch her. But, Kauzi was also a pro when it came to animals.
Calling With Love
Avi caressed the kitty in order to calm her down and make her feel comfortable. As the kitty looked at him with glooming eyes, he held her delicately with his arms and rescued her. He helps her get out of that drain storm. And there was more.
What A Rescue
The moment people saw Avi climbing out of the drain with the kitty in his hand, they all were delighted and applauded. To the people, Avi was no less than a hero who had saved the life of a kitty. The rescue mission was a success and the kitty was all safe. What Avi did next was even beautiful.
The Kiss
Avi kissed the kitty right after he rescued her. Probably the stray cat would have never felt this much of love ever before. For a stray cat roaming on hungry stomach and chilled nights, this gesture was above all. It was pure love. After struggling for hours in that drain, the kitty finally made it land safely.
Happiest Being
Avi Kauzi was the happiest one that day. He was able to rescue an animal who was badly in need of help. He saved a cat in an emergency crisis. And this was not the only cat he had saved, rather he has a long history of doing so.