Stray Being
The cat as already mentioned was a stray one. Not even a single person came to know about what her situation was. As there was no one around when the cat sat in the car engine, thus none even knew that the cat had slipped into a drain. Now only her luck could save her. Will she have good luck or will she die of her hard luck?
The kitten was extremely frightened and couldn’t think of any solution. Miss Kitty began to cry and sob. It was when her meowing sounds and a cracked and scared sound was heard out on the streets, people realized that there was a cat in the neighborhood but none knew where the cat was and where the sounds were coming from.
A Realization
As the cat continued to make noises, soon people realized that the sounds were coming from the storm drain. Though on peeping inside the storm drain one wasn’t able to locate the kitty, the sound made it all clear that there was a kitty stuck inside there. And then came the obvious question. Who would help her?
Jump In?
The storm drain was quite deep and none knew who would be jumping in to save the kitty. While the very first thing that came to everyone’s mind was to contact the fire rescuers, but there was a problem. By the time the fire station team comes up there, the kitty might not able to survive. There was an immediate need for help.
Heart Trenching
People were scared and equally concerned. On witnessing the kitty all stuck in that drain brought people’s heart in mouth. One had to get her out from that place. But opening up of a drain wasn’t an easy task. How would she be rescued or would the delay cost the kitty her life?
He Heard
Then Avi Kuzi who is a known name in Israel heard this incident and was all foot to save the kitty. However, he wasn’t sure how will he make to the storm drain but was already feeling the pain that kitty must be in. And without wasting a second he rushed to the drain storm. Will he be able to reach on time?